About Us

That’s Electroplating Pte Ltd was established in 1987 and has already proven its quality performance through certain certifications gained throughout its running years. That’s Electroplating Pte Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015 Certified, ISO 14001-2015 Certified, RoHS Compliance and Green Partner Certified Plating Company. We are specialised to plate parts made from Steel, Stainless Steel, Copper, Aluminium and their alloys, servicing the Telecommunication, Optical, Semi-Conductor, Aerospace, Bio-medical & Electronics industries.

硕士电镀私人有限公司成立于1987年 ,专业承接铝合金件、铁合金、不锈钢件、铜合金件的电镀,适用于生物医学、通讯、电子半导体等产品的吊镀,滚镀加工业务。公司通过了ISO9001和 ISO14001质量体系,并通过针对镍、铬、锡等欧盟的环保ROHS指令。公司设有健全的环保排污设施及电镀废水处理等系统,努力成为合格、科技环保的金属表面处理企业。硕士电镀秉承“质量第一、环保环境、客户至上”的经营理念,确保优质的工作水平。